The house renovation is now a year on from when I first moved in and the place is looking good. All I have to do is fit the wood burning stove and its surrounding victorian tiles bought of Ebay, fit a carpet and stair rods to the stairs and Bobs your bloomin unckle.
Great, however, in this cold snowy weather the floorboards that I dutifully filed the gaps between with PVA and sawdust have started to move in the night. When the temperature drops really low Im awoken by large cracking sounds of the floorboards tearing themselves in half as they contract and the PVA holds.
Some nights I wake with a startle and still half asleep, thinking I'm asleep on Shackeltons ship caught in the ice of the southern polar cap. Crrrrrack! "get off the ship, the ice is taking her"! Only to wake and realize I'm in London, Walthamstow, innit.