Saturday, 30 June 2012

The game of chess that beginbegins when it ends

My friend Michael, white, English, 6ft tall and a staunch resident of a well-to-do area in London has an alter-ego as an Azerbajan chess player. His tag name 'beginbegin' lulls unsuspecting players into a xenophobic hope to which he then enjoys, like chess, taking...

Match Scores: TangentPlane [0.0] vs. beginbegin[5.0]


TangentPlane: u suck
TangentPlane: wuss
beginbegin: happy chess!
beginbegin: u suck more!
beginbegin: I beat all time
TangentPlane: ur going down
beginbegin: Thinkaboudit
TangentPlane: i was eating playin same time
beginbegin: I am never go down by u friend
beginbegin: I am milk goat while play
TangentPlane: once i figure u out
TangentPlane: i'll beat you from then on
beginbegin: with old makbook pro
beginbegin: and track pad too
TangentPlane: ?
beginbegin: goat milk all over place
beginbegin: I still win!!!!!!
TangentPlane: i'm jackin it with one hand bro
beginbegin: we never play again
beginbegin: I am not bro or cuz
TangentPlane: ur such a wuss
beginbegin: you get all hip hoppee with me I never know you b4
beginbegin: I bet you gangsta
TangentPlane: dude fukkk niigeers
beginbegin: next thing you be call me dope
beginbegin: you racist too
beginbegin: oh dear
TangentPlane: apparently u don't know ur slang
beginbegin: you have no hapiness in soul bank
TangentPlane: bro is a whitemans term
TangentPlane: it's a stoner term
beginbegin: which bit is slang and not racist?
TangentPlane: how many wives do you have
TangentPlane: five
beginbegin: why you say I have sex with rude word for black men?
TangentPlane: racism is nonsense
beginbegin: I am brethern with black men
TangentPlane: everybodys a little bit of this and that these days
beginbegin: tell it to the people your forefather strung up from the tree
beginbegin: they not happy
beginbegin: I am brown and never make fun of people colour
beginbegin: or wives
TangentPlane: we're all going to be white eventually
TangentPlane: nobody goes out in the sun anymore we all stay inside
beginbegin: I have six wive
beginbegin: we will all be brown
beginbegin: have you never see what happen when you mix more than 3 colours?
beginbegin: brown
beginbegin: I have six wive one for each day
beginbegin: and sunday off
beginbegin: man have rest his, how you say 'johnson'
TangentPlane: doesn't matter we will all lighten since we stay inside all the time away from the sun. that's why white people are white
beginbegin: no
beginbegin: you make big mistake
TangentPlane: i say fukkk neggers and u say fukkk the female i guess were equal then
TangentPlane: what mistake???
beginbegin: white americans stay whiter
beginbegin: because they all watch tellyvision too much
beginbegin: colour is for how much sun is in your place of world
TangentPlane: oh i get it
beginbegin: sun is get hotter as atmosphere shrivel
beginbegin: and we all get blacker
TangentPlane: its funny how people like you never realized that the reason white people are white is becuase they lived in the north climate and didn't expose themselves to the sun for many generations
beginbegin: yes
beginbegin: this is what I say
beginbegin: you make people think you stupid if you use rude word for black men
beginbegin: me include
TangentPlane: what have black people invented?
beginbegin: this is a silly point
beginbegin: white men ruled by force throughout industrial revolution
beginbegin: black man had no chance
TangentPlane: humans need to figure stuff out so we can keep living when this planet dies
TangentPlane: blacks aren't helping
beginbegin: it is your low IQ which make think it is for some other reason
beginbegin: you are troubled man
TangentPlane: black man must make chance for himself
beginbegin: threatened by intelligents
TangentPlane: it is commonly accepted that blacks are faster and can jump higher on average
beginbegin: eggscuse my English
beginbegin: I learn only in last months
TangentPlane: but why is it so wrong to think that the white man is smarter than the black on average
beginbegin: where is evidents?
beginbegin: you must be read biased book of study with poor methdology
beginbegin: where person who make study want to prove a point
beginbegin: a bigots point
beginbegin: I have made invents
beginbegin: it is a tool to stop lose mobile fone
beginbegin: phone is have cable and cable is screw down to box on table
beginbegin: if you not lose table
beginbegin: you not lose phone
TangentPlane: People accept that black people, on average, can run faster and jump higher than white men. But, people refuse to accept that white men, on average, is smarter than black men.
beginbegin: one is true
beginbegin: the other is not
beginbegin: one does not prove other
TangentPlane: go look in a math or physics book
TangentPlane: then find out who discovered what you read
beginbegin: this is like people who say there is no evolution
beginbegin: and say there is a god because they see no evolution
beginbegin: one not prove other
TangentPlane: evolution is easily proved
TangentPlane: breeding animals for different traits proves evolution
beginbegin: there wer study done to 'prove' white man is more clever and man who say this is discredit
beginbegin: he is cast out
beginbegin: he he prove to make bias study
beginbegin: like homeopath too
beginbegin: no evidents
beginbegin: just bad study
beginbegin: look up on search 'meta analyisis' and homeopath
beginbegin: you have need brain to work this out
beginbegin: so be caryful!
TangentPlane: the evidence is the endless things the white man has created and discovered
beginbegin: you not listen
beginbegin: you talk like sad white supreme man
TangentPlane: european and asian have proved themselves to be of superior intelligence to the rest of the world
beginbegin: have look at picture of 2 men who try plot to kill Obama
beginbegin: they American white supremers
TangentPlane: it must be the cold crisp clean mountain spring water we've drank for so many years.
beginbegin: it look like there gene pool could do with a little more chlorine in it!
TangentPlane: it doesn't matter if the man is american german or french
beginbegin: and Asians not white
TangentPlane: once the white man returns to his old diet of raw fish and veggies as opposed to the cereals and suger he will again conquer all
beginbegin: you have low opinion of fellow man
beginbegin: you spout strange stuf
beginbegin: it sound like sulphur in the gasoline have make your think funny
TangentPlane: strange, unusual, same thing
beginbegin: strange and unusual is not same
beginbegin: I have 5 part oxford english books
beginbegin: and they say very different
beginbegin: england's words are very...
beginbegin: hang on....
TangentPlane: strange is weird, unusual is infrequent
beginbegin: I look up...
beginbegin: nuanced
beginbegin: you agree
TangentPlane: haha
beginbegin: not try be my friend
beginbegin: you say bad things about black men
beginbegin: you sound like a man who maybe like mien kampf
TangentPlane: does that have to do with hitler?
beginbegin: yes
beginbegin: he not like black people
beginbegin: and only like blue eyed aerian type
beginbegin: tell me you not like this think
beginbegin: and only use bad word as slang?
TangentPlane: i have brownish green eyes
TangentPlane: and dirty blonde haird
beginbegin: that not answer me
beginbegin: why say the bad word for black man
beginbegin: I have go now
beginbegin: genaroter about to sto

Friday, 22 June 2012

Monday, 18 June 2012

House living

I'd finished as much of the house as I could after 18 months of graft but found living in the spotlessly clean environment... stifling.  I decided to extend what I enjoy as exercise into something beautiful that could be used in the house, and so, I built a climbing route in the house.

It destroyed the polished white walls and made evidence of living in the form of orange grips and black climbing shoe stains as well as pencil marks of possible routes, it's like a dream come true.

Picture: Manuel my assistant climbing the wall.

Even the coat and bag wanted to leave...

BASF 2012

BASF - sketches and shots 2012
A large shoot involving models, heaps of travelling and European locations.  The shots were made to accommodate a centre fold and had to include the actual use of their advertising.

John Chatfeild-Roberts, CIO of Jupiter Asset Management

Hard to get hold of John Chatfeild-Roberts the CIO of Jupiter Asset Management proved to be a really funny and sweet guy.  I'd mistaken the office charity half marathon moon-walk around london as an actual Michael Jackson Moon-walk, rather than that of walking in moonlight, doh!  It worked well to lighten the mood of this short shoot.