Portraits USA ©timothyfoster |
Pimp selling watches. SF "Say, that's an old camera, you want a watch?"Pimp pointing selling women, SF. "yeah, yeah, I get you somethin?"
Portraits USA ©timothyfoster |
Rob, with hood up, hungover on Venice Beach, LA. "Yeah, yeah, man. Dancing and chatting but my days of Coke are over".
Portraits USA ©timothyfoster |
Guitar player, Venice beach, LA. "hey come on man give me a buck for my picture, see look I can play with my teeth, surely that's worth a buck?"
Portraits USA ©timothyfoster |
Chinese decorator, SF. "No, no I no want my picture taken".
Portraits USA ©timothyfoster |
Homeless man with head in hand early morning, SF
Portraits USA ©timothyfoster |
Beggar in Sn Diego, "I'm waiting till I turn 60 and the government give me $1000. It ain't much but it'll do".
Portraits USA ©timothyfoster |
Body Builder, Venice Beach area, LA. "You want me like this, like this, hows this?"
Portraits USA ©timothyfoster |
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