Hey Timmy, nice hearing you today.. yesterday -doh!
Hired a madass car today, 1980's Ford Bronco pickup, drinks more fuel than a tank. Solid as a rock. Brilliant stuff. Rent A Wreck.
Great out here, just for the weather it's worth the lot. Was diggin' up a garden today to lay some slabs for a patio, walking around all day in flip flops and sitting around outside all the time. Computers suck.
Californians talk to you in the street and say hi sometimes, they chat to you in shops or in the street, it's scary. What happened to the world?!..
Kathryn's aunt and her mates are totally punk rock. They're in their 50's and sit around all day chatting and smoking weed out of pipes.
We're total wimps..
They know everything about the land they live in, plants, mountains, history, politics.. everything, these are true californians, they were the baby boomers straight out of the sixties that didn't turn into Starbucks and fuck the world times over. Some of them live on indian reservations and have husband's called 'Wolf' and go hiking up in the high Sierra mountains just for fun.
The rest of LA might be shite, glitz, movie industry, mexicans practically run the whole city for less than minimum wage, but I tells ya, this place is still a knock out. The light in this place is something else, I can see why people came here to make films in the old days..
Anyways gotta get sum gaaaadam shut eye boy. Speak again soon, and I'll send you some stills from the new camera, the files are so godam big gotta get a new drive to store it all..
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