Wednesday, 27 August 2014

When we loose a pet.

Not really the done thing to put on a eulogy about a cat but I think humans find an interaction with animals that is usually quite pure and in someway a reflection of themselves, to which I will try to explain to myself.

Fernox resting on my legs.

In 2009 I’d bought a house and was completely broke and single. At times I found myself bewildered just staring at the waning ceilings and crumbling walls and I’d suddenly catch a glimpse of a cat in the corner of my eye. With a start I’d turn around to see there was in fact no cat. It happened to me several times and I started to think I was going mad only to later reason my brain was trying to comfort me on a subconscious level, or that the house was in fact haunted. I opted for the first definition.

Two years later, when the house was all fixed up, I decided to get cats and fill the house with a bit of love and not just paint and found two ginger kittens online that were brothers. Thirty minutes later I was driving them to my home in a cardboard box strapped to the passenger seat of my car with their heads poking through the gaps in the box like two furry periscopes. On the way back I thought to myself, 'this is like entering into a relationship with a partner', as you know you feel desire but your fear of things falling apart, like the love ending, or even a death, actually stops you from entering into any relationship just so that you never have to feel the heartache of the end of the world in it’s minutiae.

Back at the house I duly named the cats Sika and Fernox after building material manufacturers, it seemed fitting at the time, and well, they never complained. Both cats had different personalities, Fernox was proud, loyal and had a silent meow whereas Sika is more the cheeky rogue and mouser. But of the two, I’d again turn with that start of something in the corner of my eye and it always seemed to be Fernox that was there, followed by his silent meow.

When the call came after two years of living without nostalgia of the now, I would have gladly set the world on fire in that moment just to have avoided hearing a stranger tell me he'd found my cat, dead, and unceremoniously put on top of his bin by the roadside. 

We all want to live out our days into old age with grace and dignity and feel the need to protect those around us with our ideals of Utopia, but the ancient Greeks invented the word that translates as, 'no place' and that our ideals have no place in the cruel nature of life. We live wonderful existential lives side by side animals and our fellow human beings but have no control over the nature of time and its inevitability.

This is the hardest thing. It's not just the grief of loss for an animals unreserved love and companionship that doesn’t involve the conflict with being a fuck up, wearing crap clothes or having a big nose, but it is the loss of a time impossibly shared. A time of fantastic inconsequence that we shared and he probably didn’t even know he was helping me towards where I am today, the now.

A friend in a boxing ring

My friend Simon entered the arena from the lake of piss that was the toilet and into the eyes of Thursday nights audience.

City boxing can be all the rage it wants to be but once you watch a friend entering into getting his face turned to Plasticine your instinct ignores trend and activates support. Non more in the supportive role is Simons girlfriend Sian, high on weak larger and strong love she is screaming over the 100 bald heads in the audience who are slowly being eroded and emasculated. 

The boxers circle in funny clothes but no one is going to tell these Emperors that, and, bang-bang-BANG the rhythm of pain orchestrates itself over 4 rounds. 

Simon is not tiring, neither is Sian, who-bang, is-bang-bang, going to-bang, win this-BANG we all wonder. Sian is deafenately winning, but Simon wanes and then slowly starts to edge it, shoulders low, guard high, footwork like a friday-nighter till the end. Then, in self declaration, he raises his arms into the air by himself and then once again this time assisted by the judges left arm and verdict. 

Sian grabs him away from the placard girls and thrusts a pint and a kiss upon him. We breath, they kiss, and the cool London air will sooth the now Morphing face of our friend Simon.

Full concentration.

Right hook.



Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Tim Bevan - producer - Working title

Tim Bevan - producer - Working title ©Timothyfoster
Tim Bevan - producer - Working title

Tim Bevan - producer - Working title

Tim Bevan - producer - Working title

Tim Bevan - producer - Working title

Monday, 4 August 2014

London Metal exchange

The London Metal exchange is one of the last remaining trading floors in the digital revolution. A red leather circle of seats with traders shouting prices back and forth trying to hold out for the best price. People shout, curse each other, glance at competition while selling metals from around the world, how strange and how English!

Worker with two phones, London metal exchange, London 2014 ©

Telephone wires, London metal exchange, London 2014 ©

Trader shouts to his team, London metal exchange, London 2014 ©

The famous red seats, London metal exchange, London 2014 ©

One of the few female traders on the floor, London metal exchange, London 2014 ©

Trader viewing the computers, London metal exchange, London 2014 ©

Trader shouting on the floor, London metal exchange, London 2014 ©

Abercrombie and Fitch building - NZZ 2014

I was asked to photograph the exterior of the Abercrombie and Fitch building in London close to Regents street for the NZZ newspaper on Switzerland. It was a nice day and I waited about for about 2 hours to get the photographs I needed. It was important to make the building the focus but the people in front of it nearly as important. I tried to get some photographs inside knowing they wouldn't let me and was of course thrown out, kinda funny really as you know its a game and playground to play as a photographer.

© 07970837788
Abercrombie and Fitch building London ©

© 07970837788
Abercrombie and Fitch building London ©